Shipwrecks and Dive Sites
Here Are some of the sites contact me for more sites and more info.
Tobermory Area

Sweepstakes (schooner)
Built: Burlington, Ontario, 1867
Length: 36.3 m (119 ft)
Depth: maximum depth 7 m (20 ft)
This two-masted schooner was damaged off Cove Island then towed to Big Tub Harbour where she sank in September, 1885. The hull is still intact, with the windlass and a portion of the bow rail still in place. For both conservation and safety, penetration of the wreck is not permitted. One of the most popular wrecks in the park. It is visited by divers, snorkellers and tour boat passengers.

City of Grand Rapids (steamer)
Built: Grand Haven, Michigan, 1879
Length: 37 .3 m (122.5 ft)
Depth: maximum depth 5 m (15 ft)
The City of Grand Rapids was an elegant passenger steamer until it burned and sank in October, 1907. Its charred remains now lie in shallow water about 30 m (100 ft) from the wreck of the Sweepstakes. Its rudder and propeller are displayed at the local museum. This site is suitable for both divers and snorkellers.

W.L. Wetmore (steamer)
Built: Cleveland, Ohio, 1871
Length: 65.1 m (213.7 ft)
Depth: 7 m (25 ft)
Wrecked during a storm in November, 1901. In addition to the large amount of timber wreckage, look for the impressive boiler, anchor, chain and rudder. Interesting bedrock features. Suitable for divers of all levels of experience and snorkellers.

James C. King (schooner-barge)
Built: Saginaw, Michigan, 1867
Length: 53.4 m (175 ft 3 in)
Depth: 7 to 30 m (25 to 95 ft)
The King was wrecked while under tow by the Wetmore in November, 1901. The second barge on tow, the Brunette, was later salvaged. This site is good for advanced divers only. It is not recommended for novices or trainees.

Newaygo (steamer)
Built: Marine City, Michigan, 1890
Length: 59.7 m (196 ft)
Depth: maximum 8 m (25 ft)
Wrecked in November, 1903. The wreckage is scattered, the main portion lying flat on the bottom. Note the massive timbers used during construction. Excellent for all divers. The site’s open conditions require suitable weather.

Philo Scoville (schooner)
Built: Cleveland, Ohio, 1863
Length: 42.5 m (139 ft 6 in)
Depth: 7 to 30 m (25 to 95 ft)
The vessel was wrecked during a storm in October, 1889. The bow, including the bowsprit, can be found at the deeper depths and the anchors are located about 30m (100 ft) east of the main wreckage. This site is recommended for advanced divers only.

Charles P. Minch (schooner)
Built: Vermillion Ohio, 1867
Length: 47.2 m (154.7 ft)
Depth: 6 to 16 m (20 to 50 ft)
The Minch was driven onto the rocks in October, 1898. The wreck is broken up and spread over Tecumseh Cove, Cove Island. The main wreckage is found close to shore near the head of the cove. Of note are portions of two rudders. The second (situated west of the inner mooring buoy), is likely from the schooner Tecumseh, wrecked in the area in 1882. A good site for all levels of experience.

Arabia (barque)
Built: Kingston, Ontario, 1853
Length: 40. 1 m (131.6 ft)
Depth: maximum depth 37 m (120 ft)
Floundered off Echo Island in October, 1884. The wreck is in good condition. The bow section with bowsprit, windlass and anchors, is particularly impressive. This site is only recommended for advanced diving groups under the direction of a dive master. There are strong currents and weather conditions must be considered.

Forest City (steamer)
Built: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870
Length: 66 m (216.7 ft)
Depth: 18 to 46 m (60 to 150 ft)
The ship struck the east side of Bears Rump Is. in the fog and sank In June, 1904 The low lies at about 18 m (60 ft) while the stern is at 46 m (150 ft). Suitable for highly advanced divers only.

Caroline Rose (schooner)
Built: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, 1940
Length; 39.6 m (132 ft)
Depth: maximum depth 16.5 m (55 ft)
The Caroline Rose was towed to Driftwood Cove on the Georgian Bay shore by a group of sport divers and sunk as a dive site in late August 1990. Located outside park boundaries. There are a variety of tools and fittings on site. The Caroline Rose was one of three schooners depicted on the back of old $100 bill.

Grotto (the caves)
Depth: The submerged grotto entrance is at 6 m (20 ft) Located along the Georgian Bay shoreline about 19 km (12 mi) east of Tobermory. Trail access for hikers from Cyprus Lake Head of Trails. Explore the hidden passages that lead from inside the Grotto to the open waters of Georgian Bay. Recommended for all levels of diving experience, and snorkellers. Diving access via boat from Tobermory.

Niagara II (tanker/ sandsucker)
Built: Haverton Hill-on-tees, England, 1930
Length: 55.5 m (182 ft)
Depth: 28 m (90 ft)
Deliberately sunk by the Tobermory Maritime in May, 1999 as a dive site. Located outside park
boundaries. Commemorative plaques and lots of machinery to see.

Little Cove (Dave's Bay)
Depth: 13 m (40 ft)
Popular area for diver open water check-outs. Look for geological formations such as pitting, glacial erratics and bedrock layering. Limited parking. Please respect the rights of private property owners adjoining the access area.

Dunk's Point (anchor and chain)
Interesting geological formal including good examples of "pitting" can be found here. A wooden-
stocked anchor lies just off the point in about 18 m (60 ft) of water. Vessel access only.

San Jacinto (schooner)
Built: 1856
Length: 39m (130ft)
Depth: 26m (85ft)
In June 1881, the San Jacinto was operating in heavy fog while carrying a cargo of corn from Milwaukee to Collingwood, when she struck a rock on Manitoba Ledge. It is the most recently discovered natural wreck in the Tobermory area, located in the late-1980s in 85 feet of water by Paul LaPointe.

City of Cleveland (steamer)
Built: 1882
Length: 78m (255ft)
Depth: 10m (30ft)
A 255-foot steamer that sank in September 1901 after being forced of-course by devastating waves, the City of Cleveland has been called the most impressive shallow dive in the Great Lakes. Once you dive the wreck, you will see the long ride on the boat is more than worth it.